Thank you to Tundra Restaurant Supply!

A tureen and not a bunch of crockery thanks to Rachel Shaw and Tundra Restaurant Supply for your donation of plates and utensil place settings to Brave Young Hearts!! 

Thank you to A Nutter Kind!

A whopping adornment of a thanks to Kellie Nutter McKinzie for your donation of custom made jewelry to Brave Young Hearts!!!

Thank you to Unigroup Logistics!

Exciting!! Only 9 days from the shoot and donations are still coming in!!! Huge thanks to Patrick Mulstay and Unigroup Logistics for your donation to Brave Young Hearts!!!! 

Thank you to the Wild Animal Sanctuary!

A connoisseuristic thanks to Shelley Richards-Craig and the Wild Animal Sanctuary for your donation of a case of Sanctuary Wine to Brave Young Hearts!!! Bottoms Up!!!

Thank you to Jonathan Hanst and Kirsten Bailey!

A Tour de Force thanks to Jonathan Hanst and Kirsten Bailey for your artisan donation of a hand painted masterpiece to Brave Young Hearts!!!

Thank you to Daniel Schnese!

An Abner Doubleday thanks to Daniel Schnese for your donation of a Santiago Perez Milwaukee Brewers jersey to Brave Young Hearts!!!!

Thank you to Arlington Electrical Services!

A shocking energized thanks to Tim Proud and Arlington Electrical Services for your cash donation to Brave Young Hearts!!!! Bzzzzztttt!!!